What is an
intuitive guidance session? What kinds of questions do people ask?
intuitive guidance session is an opportunity to get the questions that
you have about your life answered. Many people ask about their
love relationships. Others want to know about business or their
finances. Here are some examples of the questions that people
often ask: “Is this the right person for me?” “How can I best
help my son or daughter?” “Will I be successful if I start this
business?” “When is my house going to sell?” “How can I bring
more abundance and prosperity into my life?” It is very useful
for people to compare two different outcomes when trying to make
a decision about something. For example, a person may be trying
to decide whether or not to move to a new location. They may
choose to look at the outcome of staying where they are compared
to the outcome of the move to a new city. Some people ask
questions about their spiritual path like, “What is my life
purpose or How can I strengthen my connection with Spirit?” The
intuitive counselor acts as a conduit. By tapping into high vibrational energy . you are able to receive celestial guidance about how to move towards what you most want in your life. Many
people are amazed at the kind of information that comes through
in an intuitive session and find them to be extremely helpful.
They often say that they feel much better or more joyful after a
is chakra balancing?
are the energy centers that exist within all of us. Yoga and
acupuncture are based on this energy system. There are seven
major chakras in the body. By opening up and channeling
Universal Source Energy, the healer acts as a conduit to bring
this energy to the person receiving the balancing. The healer
will also pull any foreign energy from each chakra that isn’t
for the person’s highest good. An energy healer may also cut
energetic cords or help to seal holes in the aura where a person
may be losing energy.
is a past life regression?
It is a
form of hypnotherapy. By going into a deep trance, a person is
able to view or experience lives that they have lived
before. In a past life regression, a person is often able to
learn great deal about the their life patterns in the current
lifetime. People have been able to heal chronic pain through
past life regressions. They can gain insight about the lessons
and karma that they are working through in their
relationships. They may also recognize people in a past life
that they are in relationship with presently. In a past life
regression, a person has the capacity to grow
tremendously. The nature of this work is deep and profound for
most of those who have chosen to experience it.
does a session work over the phone?
the energy is channeled from a Divine Source, the information
does not come from the person receiving the session. It comes
from the Divine. So the person could be anywhere. Many people
feel more at ease in their own space rather than in an office.
often should I have a session/chakra balancing?
The best
answer to this question is listen to your intuition. There may
be times in your life where you are going through a lot and need
a good amount of guidance. As a result, you may feel that you
need a session every few weeks. And then there may be times when
you feel centered and aren’t in need of as much external
guidance. So once every four to six months is plenty. However,
it is important to not become dependent on an intuitive to “make
you feel better”.
Should I believe everything that an intuitive tells me in a
encourage clients to take what feels true to them and leave the
rest. For some sessions it could be that 100% feels true and
others only 85%. As you get better at listening to your own
internal guidance system, the process of discernment will become
Jennifer Smith,
941-323-3145 |